THE 12 STEP WAY - TUESDAYS AT 2 – Starting February 4, 2020
12-STEP SPIRITUALITY - Based on meditations by Richard Rohr, a small group will work through the 12-Steps (shadow work) becoming more aware of our attachments, compulsions and addictions (sins) that affect our relationship with Jesus, with ourselves, and with each other.
"The goals of the steps are:
Peace with God
Step 1 is about recognizing our brokenness
Step 2 is about the birth of faith in us
Step 3 involves a decision to let God be in charge of our lives
Peace with ourselves
Step 4 involves self-examination
Step 5 is the discipline of admitting our wrongs
Step 6 is the beginning of an inner transformation sometimes called repentance
Step 7 involves the transformation or purification of our character
Peace with others
Step 8 involves examining our relationships and preparing ourselves to make amends
Step 9 is the discipline of making amends
Step 10 is about maintaining progress in recovery
Keeping the peace
Step 11 involves the spiritual disciplines of prayer and meditation
Step 12 is about spreading the word"*
Call the office and let Jennifer know you're interested in joining this small group or leave a note in mailbox 73 for Marion. *Source: The 12 Steps, A Way Out, a spiritual process for healing