People of all ages are welcome to join this group every Wednesday, 6:30 a.m. at Highland. Group members read and pray through a psalm before sharing breakfast together. Over the years, this group has prayed each psalm at least 7 times, and has shared countless cups of coffee together.
Asking questions about God, spirituality, or the Church? Each life journey is unique. If you are…
• unfamiliar with Christian faith and want to explore and learn more; • a long-time follower of Jesus, exploring and asking questions, and wanting to learn more; • interested in baptism; • interested in belonging at Highland… then The Way is for you. The Way encourages, challenges, and invites a deeper life of faith. Before the first followers of Jesus were known as Christians, they were called “People of The Way.” Then, and now, The Way refers to a style of life in which both believing and living are centered in Jesus Christ. At Highland Community Church, The Way is an opportunity for your faith to be explored, nurtured, and renewed, your commitment to Jesus Christ affirmed, and your walk as a disciple of Christ to be established or re-established in the life-giving waters of Holy Baptism or the Affirmation of Baptism. Seasons of the Way Autumn Meetings begin in December and explore topics of interest such as scripture, worship, prayer, and sacraments. Winter Meetings resume in early January. In both small and large group conversations, participants continue to explore the presence of God in the world and in daily life. Early Spring Throughout the weeks of Lent, participants “dig deeper” into the Biblical stories that prepare for baptism and affirmation of baptism at the Easter celebration. Late Spring After Easter The Way looks toward the practice of living the Christian life as we explore faithful responses to care for the earth, for humankind, relationships and daily work. Small GROUPS - Various
There are a number of small groups that meet at various times throughout the week and month. The numbers range from 5 to 12 people per group. Each group decides what their focus will be, for example: spiritual direction, bible study, reflection on Sunday's message, walking through life together. Groups have been adult focused or family focused, or a mixture of the two.
Jesus brings together people who, the world says, have nothing in common. Inspired by Jesus’ directive to go out in pairs, twosomes are formed each month by picking the names of Highlanders out of a hat. Each pair is then given simple instructions:
• at least once a month, share a conversation—a meal, a walk in the park, grocery shopping together, and so on. • discuss your answers to a series of question prompts-- What’s your deepest hope? What’s God teaching you in your life right now? Learn each other’s life stories—your joys, your challenges, your hopes, your fears. NOTE: The Kuhnekt Initiative is a short-term commitment and you can join for one month or many. |
3130 McMillan Road Abbotsford, BC V2S 6A8 T: 604-853-7052 OFFICE HOURS (Varying)