1 - This liturgy can be used at a meal time or as a stand-alone experience. If done at a meal, feel free to “do it up nice” with the “good dishes,” a centrepiece of fresh flowers, and so on. You are welcome to share this Bread & Blessings on Saturday night as a way of entering Sabbath. You are also free to use it at any other time of day that suits you best. In other words, you have permission to be creative; use these prayers whenever and wherever it suits best.
2 - Whether you eat with family around the dinner table or with friends around a picnic blanket at the beach, you will need to the following:
2 candles
a basin of water, a cup, and a hand towel
2 loaves of bread
3 - Please read the words in bold. If you are not using the accompanying recording, you are encouraged to have different people take the lead in reading through the prayers.
4 - You can pray these prayers with others or by yourself. If you’re on your own, please keep in mind that you’re not alone. There are other people in other locations sharing bread and blessings with you. Furthermore, you are participating in a bigger story; thousands of Christians over thousands of years have celebrated the heavenly banquet. As you eat, remember: you are taking part in the great communion of saints in a very real sense.