Jesus was known for meeting friends and followers and strangers around food—at the wedding banquet in Cana, on hillsides and lakeshore beaches, in the Upper room, at an innkeeper's table in Emmaus. As a result, the Agape feast emerged as a fellowship meal in the worshiping life of the early church. Agape is the Koine Greek word for “self-giving love.” So in the Spirit of Jesus and the ancient church, we celebrate God’s love for us, toast the daily resurrection joys in our community, and participate in the glory of Christ’s sacrifice by sharing food together.
Milk and honey ~ a sign of God’s promise fulfilled in Jesus. The Word of God sustains and satisfies us as we trust and follow him.
Grapes ~ a sign of Jesus’ sufferings. The crushing pain and labour our world experiences today will soon give way to the sweet taste of liberation.
Bread ~ a sign that Jesus is the bread of life. His life nourishes an appetite for more of God’s kingdom in our lives and the world.
Water ~ a sign that Jesus is the spring of living water. In baptism, we are filed with an eternal hope.